Take your booth from money pit to money maker

Bootcamp is a one-time investment that gives you permission (and the skills) to stop treating your booth like a hobby, and to treat it...like a business.

"After taking Bootcamp and working to put everything I learned into practice, I actually averaged out my sales for the months prior to taking Bootcamp and then averaged these last three months after.

My average monthly sales have almost doubled now. This class is a must for anyone who wants to improve their sales!"

Paula J.
Booth Owner

What's included?

This is a self-paced online course exclusively for antique booth owners

It's great for beginners or anyone who's hit a plateau in their efforts to move from a hobby to building a business.

There are 4 topic-related modules, 24 videos, and 5+ hours of best practices, helpful tips, and business-building content.

PLUS EXTRAS: you'll get blank inventory sheets, sample financial records, and a guide to getting started with wholesale.

Bootcamp has already helped over 250 other booth owners

So many antique booth vendors feel overwhelmed trying to run their business. 

They have so many questions, but sadly there are very few resources to help them succeed.

That's why I created the Booth Seller Bootcamp.

And I'd love to have you join :)

Learn how to find the right place to be successful

Taxes & licenses: basically what you need to know to be legal

The basics of money management to make sure you make money

How to track what you spend and what you sell

Branding: how to make your booth memorable to your customers

Buying & Selling: What, where, and how much should you pay for the things you’re selling

Tips for creating displays that actually sell

Social Media: how do you do it without letting it take over your life

How to price your goods to both sell AND make money

Plus 6 additional ways you can make money from a booth foundation

"It's totally worth it. It gave me a boost of confidence, and helped me figure out where to start. 

It also assured me that decisions I had already made were on the right track. And it taught me how to plan better to make my business a success.."

Ms. P
Booth Owner

"The info given was definitely worth the $$. I’ve been a booth seller for almost a year now and still learned a lot from this course.

Other booth sellers tend to not like to help newbies or share information so it was great to have a source for this type of thing!"

Booth Owner

"I went through this Bootcamp and it was a game changer for me. 

If you’re struggling with making your booth profitable and can’t find anyone who can help. This is for you!

OR, if you’ve thought about opening a booth space but want to do it right from the beginning, this Bootcamp is perfect for you."

Booth Owner

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder
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